Women’s’ grievance Redressal cell
The objective to establish ‘Women’s grievance cell is to ensure safe and conductive environment for the female employees and students. It provides confidentiality and support to the campus community who may be the victims of sexual or physical abuse. Further it helps the victims to submit the grievance through informal and formal means; and ensuring the fair and timely redressal of complaints. Women Grievance Cell has been established in the Institute under the Act No 20 of 1990 of Govt. of India.
Roles and Responsibilities
- A committee for Prevention and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of women at work place.
- This Committee works for women’s & girl student’s grievances in case of any complaint received.
- Awareness of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) through website, prospectus, brochures, Board in college campus.
- Awareness of Gender sensitivity in college campus.
- Conduction of programs concerning women’s welfare.
- Deal with the case of Gender discrimination/Sexual Harassment.
- Committee in charge should conduct the meeting regularly and report to the undersigned.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism:
- In case of any incidence occur related to inconvenience, abuse and harassment with respect to girl’s student/Women staff, one can register the complaint offline/online to the Secretary/Member of the committee.
- With the permission of the chairman meeting of the committee is called to investigate the matter.
- The fair enquiry related to grievance is carried out with full confidentiality and facts are verified in due course of time.
- By considering the seriousness and intensity of the case, higher authorities are informed and the investigations and recommendation of the committee are submitted for the future action.