Students Council
The Student Council functions as a link connecting stakeholders through the students.
- A platform to help develop important skills like Leadership, Organization and Team Building.
- Students can share ideas, interests, and concerns with Faculty members.
- Conduct activities, including social events, community projects, helping students in need and student reform.
Chairperson : Dr Rashmi Chavan ( Director)
Vice Chairperson : Dr Jyothi Kasargod ( Principal)
Teacher Co-ordinators : Prof Sunil Jadhav, Prof Bhagyashree Singh, Prof Chandrakant Mohite.
Core Committee Members:
- General Secretary – Aditya Bhandare(TYBCOM)
- Deputy General Secretary – Ayush Nair (T.Y B.Sc- HS)
- Members – Mayank Jadhav ( TYB.com), Sartak Bhujbal (TY Bcom),Harshada Murmu ( TYBsc –HS), Tanvi Jadhav ( TYBsc HS), Sairaj Bhoir ( SYBMS), Sarvesh Mhatre ( SYBcom)
About the Student Council:
- The Student Council is the prime student body of S P More College Arts, Commerce & Science. It is the most diversified, apex body comprising of representatives from individual degree courses across all years.
- The purpose of the Student Council is to give the students an opportunity to develop leadership abilities by organizing and carrying out various college activities and service projects.
- The Student Council acts as the voice of the student body. It acknowledges all the problems faced by the students and comes up with meaningful solutions to solve them at the earliest possible time.
- It acts as a bridge between the students and the college management to help highlight ideas, interests, and concerns of students. It ensures that every student is aware of the information from college.
- The Student Council members are in constant touch with their classmates and coordinate regularly with the class representatives for information dissemination, feedback, and discipline maintenance. Thus, the problems faced by students are discussed and solved in timely meetings held with Principal Dr Jyothi K.
- The Student Council strives to integrate the students and implement ideas for the betterment of students and the college as a whole. Therefore, it binds all students, the management and faculty of college.
- Apart from being part of maintaining academic activities, the Student Council co-ordinates with various cells and societies of college to ensure smooth functioning of activities.
- The Student Council has also been a helping hand to the College by managing the admissions procedure for the degree college .
- With a strong belief in teamwork, the Council ensures the growth of its members as leaders of tomorrow which also instils the quality of good leadership among their peers and hence have a lasting positive impact on all the students College.
The activities of the Council during the year 2023-2024:
1) Assisting in the process of admissions of the Degree College and
2) Helping the admin department with finalizing the Accommodations list for the outstation students.
3) Assisting during the orientation programme of the FY Degree and FYJC students, and Principal sir’s special interaction with the SY and TY degree students.
4) Organising Tree Plantation drive, Swachata Abhiyan, One day Picnic, Seminars, Workshops, Sports events, Cultural event Indradhanush in the college with the staff
5) volunteering for the Lok Sabha Elections of 2024,celebrating National Voters’ Day, Teachers’ day etc
6) Executing the Voter registration programme online, and also offline in college to register those students, graduates, teachers and the non-teaching staff who were not registered voters earlier, for the Lok Sabha Elections and Maharashtra State Legislative Assembly Elections, 2024.
7) Assisting in the smooth functioning of the certificate distribution during Indradhanush – Annual Cultural event.
8) Dissemination of official information and notifying various activities to students related to college throughout the year, thereby maintaining a smooth, strong and trustworthy channel of communication.
NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
ePathshala (A Gateway to all Postgraduate Courses)
Virtual Lab (A Initiative of MHRD Mission on Education through ICT)
KHAN Academy (Free World Calss Education Resource)
GOORU (Gooru is a search engine for learning)
Spoken Tutorial (Spoken Tutorial Resources)
MITOPENCOURSEWARE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Carnegie Mellon University (Open Online Learning)
Academic Earth (Online lectures of World’s Top Universities)
Yale University Online Courses
edX (Great Courses from the worlds best Universities)