Semester 1

Principles of Management

Bharatiya theory of Management styles 

Information Technology in Business Management

Business Startup Skills

Semester 2

Principles of Management II

Global management theories and styles

Foreign exchange market and Derivatives

MS Office

Semester 3

Introduction to Marketing Management

Marketing Research

Introduction to Financial services

Financial Management

Introduction to HRM

Training & Development

Financial Statement Analysis

Recruitment and selection

Semester 4

Retail Marketing



Financial Institutions and Market

Change & Conflict Management

Legal practices in HRM

Ad Making

Financial Inclusion Skills in Youth

Organisational Development

Semester 5

Tourism Marketing Management


Digital Marketing

Introduction to Cost Accounting

Practical aspects in Direct taxation

Wealth Management

Global Practices in HRM

Human resource accounting and audit



  • Supply Chain Management 
  • Investment analysis and portfolio management
  • Strategic human resource management

Marketing Marketing Ethics

Ethics in financial Market

Power & Politics

Semester 6

International Marketing

Rural Marketing


Financing Rural Development

A Practical approach to Financial Project Management

Contemporary issues in HRM

HR issues in Merger & acquisition

Export Marketing Practices and Procedures

Financial Inclusion a Global Prospective

Performance Management

Marketing Marketing Ethics