Research Cell
Vice Chairperson – Dr. Jyothi Kasargod
1) Ms. Ruchika sen
2) Ms. Amrut kaur
3) Ms Bhagyashree Singh
4) Mr Varad Patil
5) Mr. Noel Mathews
1. To organize research activities for the staff and Students of the college.
2. To organize orientation lectures in research for the TY project work students.
3. To assist the Departments in organizing research Seminars.
4. To take up major / minor research projects for the College.
5. To raise funds for research activities of the College.
6. To suggest steps for effective use of College resources for extension services.
7. To conduct activities during the year in the sphere of extension activities and Institutional Social responsibility.
8. To promote Research Climate in the Institution.
9. To maintain the records of the activities conducted and submit the same to the IQAC Committee.
10. As per the guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies S P More Dnyanam Annam Foundation’s S P More College of Arts, Commerce & Science has constituted the following grievance redressal committees to address and timely resolve problems of the students, teaching and non-teaching staff in fair and impartial manner.
1. College Grievance Redressal Committee
2. Anti-ragging Committee
3. Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell
4. SC/ST Committee
5. OBC Committee